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recursive-clients 1000000;
DNS and Bind的相关的内容

Limiting the number of clientsBIND 9 gives you the ability to restrict the number of clients your name server will serve concurrently. You can apply a limit to the number of recursive clients (resolvers plus name servers using your name server as a forwarder) with the recursive-clients substatement:
options {
recursive-clients 10;
The default limit is 1000. If you find your name server refusing recursive queries and logging, as shown by an error message like this one:
Sep 22 02:26:11 terminator named[13979]: client no more
recursive clients: quota reached
you may want to increase the limit. Conversely, if you find your name server struggling to keep up with the deluge of recursive queries it receives, you could lower the limit.
You can also apply a limit to the number of concurrent TCP connections your name server will process (for zone transfers and TCP-based queries) with the tcp-clients substatement. TCP connections consume considerably more resources than UDP because the host needs to track the state of the TCP connection. The default limit is 100.
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解决:dns has no NS records 不指定

root , 2009/09/22 00:15 , DNS , 评论(0) , 阅读(34396) , Via 本站原创
/usr/sbin/named -u named -gc /etc/named.conf


Nov 27 13:17:58 dns named[1966]: zone localhost.zone/IN: has no NS records
Nov 27 13:17:58 dns named[1966]: zone named.local/IN: has no NS records
Nov 27 13:17:58 dns named[1966]: zone hk.hn/IN: has no NS records


原因为直接copy web上的配置文件,配置文件中的NS行没有空格或tab,添加上一个tab就可以了。
如"IN NS localhost".换成" IN NS localhost."即可。
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